+44 7786 867 869 samme@atex.world

“For last year’s words belong to last year’s language. And next year’s words await another voice” – T.S Eliot

I hope this month has brought you peace and joy whatever your celebrations and festivities have been.

And so, to rest..

November was so insanely hectic as you’ll have read in last month’s blog, I ended up (you won’t be surprised) sick. I picked up a bug/food poisoning during my last job of the year. I couldn’t believe it. Thanks to the Masters in Moderation team, I managed to get myself home as someone took over my workshops. I was utterly devastated not to be able to complete the gig but pleased that the event was a great success. Again, pre-conference preparation, planning and meeting design meant that another experienced moderator could take over.

Spending the first week of December in isolation in the beautiful Hampshire countryside was EXACTLY what the doctor ordered. Recovery from the sickness, first game of tennis and sleep. Lots of sleep. We are all guilty of not listening to our bodies so next time yours says it needs a rest, please pay attention. #wellbeing

Award winning moderation!

Huge congratulations to the MPI Netherlands Chapter for winning this year’s BEA World award for Best Conference. I am thrilled to have been part of their team, MC’ing this wonderful experience. Come and see how the event has developed in Sevilla, February 9-11, 2020! You can also read about it in December’s The Meeting Professional of which I had the honour and pleasure to be featured and have the front cover. Vogue look out!!


Family & Friends are the most important people in life.

It has been a joy spending quality time with my family and friends this month. This is what  makes us human. It is also a key reason for doing the wonderful job of a conference MC as I can be grateful for blocks of time to do family stuff.

From carol singing on the Maldon Quay on Christmas Eve, to a spa day at a priory (no nun’s in sight!) followed by an annual Christmas Jumper Day that didn’t disappoint. If you haven’t checked in with your friends and family as much as you’d like to, don’t beat yourself up. But a simple phone call, what’s app or visit will make them, and you feel good!

My First..

Spanish lesson! With some time out and a conference in Sevilla in less than a couple of months, I have started Spanish lessons. As an adult, we rarely really ever properly learn, and I feel like I’m a kid again. It is HARD!! My brain is trying to figure out stuff it never has before and it’s not coming naturally. However, perseverance and practise will make Samme a Spanish speaker (or at least someone who can say bienvenidos at the conference!) I’m happy to do be learning something new, using the grey matter and hopefully impress my colleagues in Sevilla!

And finally…

Next month will see my 12 months of writing this blog and of course, a new decade. What a lot has happened during these past 10 years but especially these past 12 months. I’ve taken time to reflect where but also who I was in 2010 compared with the end of 2019 and what a journey it has been. It has been a decade of great shifts in life due to personal, professional and physical challenges however, 10 years on, I feel proud to be standing tall, doing something I adore, working with great people and being able to enjoy my life, family and friends of which you are all part of.

Thank you for your love, support, encouragement, critique, humour and for being you. Let’s toast the next 10 years of the same!


Be Happy,


Samme xoxo