+44 7786 867 869 samme@atex.world

An Ode to the New Year..


2020? Well, what a year!

We started it off with such good cheer.

“Aussie fires, they’ll fix that quick..”

“In no time at all it’s back to our tricks.”


Planning events that will spread much joy,

From Singapore, London to Illinois,

But creeping up to stop all that,

Along came Covid. And that was that.


The end of events, but then we said no!

Our delegates must meet, our businesses must grow.

So, to virtual we went, not sure of the way,

“Let’s work with Samme Allen, she’ll know what to say,

To guide us through and make us think,

When do we network, and when do we drink?”


From platforms to streaming, to sound and to vision,

Human connection has been our one great mission.

Ethernet cables, blue yetis and white,

Speakers looking at camera’s? It’s been quite a fight.

“Can you hear me?” They ask us. “You’re on mute!”, we groan,

“It’s sad to be doing this at home and alone”


But during the year, a new sparkle was lit.

This world really works if you invest in it!

Take time to find out what your stakeholders need.

From content, to hosting and internet speed

“Where do I start?” I hear you cry!

“Can my virtual event really reach the sky?”


The magical team that works with Samme,

Have light years of knowledge, they do more than webcam.

With budgets a plenty, we ask just one thing,

You pick up the phone and just give us a ring.

A zoom call is fine, we will share some good tips

To support your event, it will be such a trip!


Ensuring success and revenues grow,

Is our adventure and making you glow,

With pride and empowerment, you’ll find yourself smiling,

Who knew online would be so beguiling?

“My delegates are happy, they’ve met face to face.

Exhibitors are back, enjoying virtual space,

Sponsors are saying, this stuff really works!”

And sooner than later, along come the perks!


So, let’s stop our dwelling on events of the past.

The future is bright, as a team we’ll move fast.

From online to hybrid, we’ve covered all the tricks.

We’ll design something great in just a few clicks.

Trust us as we end this ditty,

We might be not able to travel to your city,

But we can support, moderate and design,

Wherever you need us, we will be just fine!

As long as we help you succeed in your role,

Help you smash targets and keep the control,

Then complete we will feel, and events we’ll restore.

So, reach out and contact us, what are you waiting for?